The Hunger Games. Mad Max: Fury Road. Left Behind. Wait, Left Behind? What’s a Christian work of fiction doing among those secular entertainments? Well, they all have one overriding theme: Pessimism. In The Hunger Games the world ends and afterward we all end up hunting and killing each other. In Mad Max: Fury Road the...
Tag: Eschatology
Burned Over? Revivalism And Its Effects On The Local Church
The Erie Canal and Evangelicalism Most students of church history and sound theology have opinions on what has brought about the current spiritual malaise in evangelicalism. I once heard a fellow speaker at an evangelism conference state that the modern church has not recovered from the 19th century as a whole. I don’t think I...
Quality Gets “Left Behind”
I have nothing against a good disaster movie. Write several shallow characters. Check. Insert superficial interpersonal conflict. Check. Introduce natural disaster to throw said shallow characters into. Check. Watch shallow characters carry out their superficial interpersonal conflict amidst disaster-enhanced action sequences and peril. Check ad nauseam. With Left Behind, we have disaster movie meets Christian...
Never Give Up! Never Surrender!*
* Well, unless the sin is, like, really really big and the fight might actually cost you something. Ideas have consequences. Imagine, if you will, that I’as a husband and a father’believe that things will continue to get worse and worse in my home. I have continually taught my wife and children that their behavior...
Prequel: An Overview of Orthodox Eschatology
INTRODUCTION: Eschatology is the study of last things. All doctrinally orthodox eschatological positions believe three essential things: At the end of history, Jesus will physically resurrect the bodies of both believers and unbelievers through a tomb-emptying resurrection. Jesus will execute the final Judgment on mankind and quarantine unbelievers in the lake of fire. Jesus will...
Be pessimistic…about your pessimism.
I was listening to an sermon online from a local Southern Baptist church. The preacher posited the argument that one reason that the Church in America was not being influential was because the Church in America looks too much like the world around her. That’s a fair point and one that I’m not going to...
A postmillennialist and a dispensationalist walked into a bar.
A postmillennialist and a dispensationalist walked into a bar. Okay, that would likely never happen. But it might happen that these two would find themselves gathering in a new blog collective. Such is the case on Gospel Spam where I, a Calvinist dispensationalist, have joined a couple of postmillennialists in a new collaboration. With a...