Category: Christian Life

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Thank the Universe and an Asparagus

Thank the Universe and an Asparagus

Note from the editor: With this article we are pleased as punch to introduce to you the writing of Pastor Steve Sanchez. He is a good friend of mine and is a gifted writer. –Jon Speed ——————————————————————————————————————- THE WORST THANKSGIVING SERVICE I ever saw advertised was from a church in Dripping Springs, TX that had...

Focus on the Fantasy: How “Plugged In” Has Become Unplugged

Focus on the Fantasy: How “Plugged In” Has Become Unplugged

Have you heard? Focus on the Family is now reviewing’pornography. A pornographic film based upon a pornographic book is about to be released to theaters nationwide, and Focus on the Family is reviewing it so that you’dear Christian’can know whether or not you should go and watch pornography. That’s right, a popular evangelical Christian ministry...

How To Love The Fool: “Debating Dillahunty”

How To Love The Fool: “Debating Dillahunty”

There’s a principle present in the new documentary Debating Dillahunty that can be encapsulated in the famous song from the Disney classic Mary Poppins: A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. In Debating Dillahunty, the medicine is the gospel of Jesus Christ and the sugar is Sye Ten Bruggencate. Anybody who is even...

An Open Letter to Shia LaBeouf

An Open Letter to Shia LaBeouf

Hey, Shia’can I call you Shia? You don’t know me and you’ve probably never heard of our blog here, but given your recent statements about converting to Christianity, I wanted to offer you some counsel. There are and will be many more who doubt your professed conversion to Christianity. I have my own opinions but...

Quality Gets “Left Behind”

Quality Gets “Left Behind”

I have nothing against a good disaster movie. Write several shallow characters. Check. Insert superficial interpersonal conflict. Check. Introduce natural disaster to throw said shallow characters into. Check. Watch shallow characters carry out their superficial interpersonal conflict amidst disaster-enhanced action sequences and peril. Check ad nauseam. With Left Behind, we have disaster movie meets Christian...