Category: Theology

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Thank the Universe and an Asparagus

Thank the Universe and an Asparagus

Note from the editor: With this article we are pleased as punch to introduce to you the writing of Pastor Steve Sanchez. He is a good friend of mine and is a gifted writer. –Jon Speed ——————————————————————————————————————- THE WORST THANKSGIVING SERVICE I ever saw advertised was from a church in Dripping Springs, TX that had...

A Gospel Spam Review of The Theonomy Debate!

A Gospel Spam Review of The Theonomy Debate!

A week or so ago Dr. Joel McDurmon (American Vision) and Pastor Jordan Hall (Pulpit and Pen Sermon Audio broadcast) debated the topic, Is the civil law of God obligatory for all nations? As you might guess, McDurmon argued in the affirmative and Hall the negative. In an amazing feat of speed-production, Marcus Pittman of...

Trick or Treating for the First Time.

Trick or Treating for the First Time.

Trick or Treat! On Friday night I took my kids trick or treating for the first time. They’re not three and four years old. My boys are eight and ten and my eldest daughter is twenty. She had never been trick or treating before. My youngest daughter, Samantha, preserved the family’s salvation by staying home...

Prequel: An Overview of Orthodox Eschatology

Prequel: An Overview of Orthodox Eschatology

INTRODUCTION: Eschatology is the study of last things. All doctrinally orthodox eschatological positions believe three essential things: At the end of history, Jesus will physically resurrect the bodies of both believers and unbelievers through a tomb-emptying resurrection. Jesus will execute the final Judgment on mankind and quarantine unbelievers in the lake of fire. Jesus will...