If you are my age or a bit older you probably have relatives who fought in World War Two. If you are a bit younger you may have relatives who fought in Vietnam. Among those relatives you probably have at least one who was so scarred by the experiences of war that they never talked...
Author: Guest Contributor (Guest Contributor)
A Review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The rebooted Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has arrived in theaters. Another beloved franchise is updated for the summer of 2014 following the heels of recent rebooted franchises STAR TREK, TRANSFORMERS, BATMAN, and G. I. JOE. It is the latest to join the ” Produced By Michael Bay” label that has all the glitz and glamour...
The Wonderful Game of Life
The following post is by Guest Contributor Chad Trotter. There was a game that my little brother and I use to play as kids. We called it hawgs-dawgs. Wait, you’ve never played? Really? Oh, let me explain! You see, my little brother Brandon and I grew up rather poor. We didn’t know it. That was...
A World Better than Eden: How Should the Gospel Impact Your Diet
The Gospel impacts every single area of one’s life, food and dietary habits included. It is our hope that Christ’s Kingdom would benefit from nutritional knowledge to build healthy bodies and minds, so that Christians will live longer lives for the work that God has called his people to live out here on this earth....
Defending the Future Part 1: History versus Heresy
Introduction: The following series of articles are developed to warn, instruct, and exhort the church against the heresy of full preterism (from the Latin preter meaning past). Full preterism is the false teaching that asserts that the return of Christ, the last judgment, the resurrection of all people, and the fullness of the New Heavens...
Authority that Requires Participation
Why is it that Humanists, Secularists, even Communists and Islamists have such strong presence in United States politics? I can tell you that it isn’t for the authority they bring. It isn’t because they come with objective and authoritative truth. It isn’t because they have the power of God to do so. It is because...
Spoiler Alert: Godzilla Isn’t the Monster!
This is my first movie review for Gospel Spam. My qualifications: I like movies and I like to write. So, don’t expect any highfalutin prose or technical type-estry of the likes of Siskel, Ebert, Pittman, or Dodson. This review is just the opinion of one guy who thinks 99 out of 100 movies in theaters...
Tips for Contact with the Police: An Open Letter to Alec Baldwin
Dear Mr. Baldwin, May I call you Alec? Oh. Okay. Dear Mr. Baldwin, We’ve never met, and the likelihood is we never will. I’m a retired, 20-year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Wait! Put down the computer and let us reason together! Or at least allow me to reason with you. I...
An Open Letter To Bleacher Report’s Mike Freeman.
The following is an open letter, correcting Mike Freeman (a journalist for Bleacher Report), for his erroneous claims about Christianity and the moral law. Please feel free to read the original titled Michael Sam’s Kiss Brings Out the Bigots and the Hypocrites. Hi Mike, I don’t know you; you don’t know me. Though I’m fairly...
Prequel: An Overview of Orthodox Eschatology
INTRODUCTION: Eschatology is the study of last things. All doctrinally orthodox eschatological positions believe three essential things: At the end of history, Jesus will physically resurrect the bodies of both believers and unbelievers through a tomb-emptying resurrection. Jesus will execute the final Judgment on mankind and quarantine unbelievers in the lake of fire. Jesus will...