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Star Trek: As Told by a Jesus Nerd

Star Trek: As Told by a Jesus Nerd

The following is a guest post by Daniel Banks, a member of By Grace Community Church in Newport News, VA. Star Trek has been around for quite awhile now. Everyone has grown up watching an incarnation of the enduring franchise, from the original series, Star Trek, and its subsequent spin offs The Next Generation, Deep...

Is Circular Reasoning Always Fallacious?

Is Circular Reasoning Always Fallacious?

Is Circular Reasoning Always Fallacious? Short answer: no. Long answer: There are two things we need to discuss about circular reasoning: It is (1) absolutely unavoidable and (2) not necessarily fallacious. Circular reasoning is unavoidable to some degree when proving one’s ultimate standard. An ultimate standard cannot be proved from anything else, otherwise it wouldn’t...

The Book Thief Should’ve Thrown Harder Punches

The Book Thief Should’ve Thrown Harder Punches

The Book Thief (2013) is a mostly uninspired and only intermittently compelling movie of tiresome length, confusing and frustrating every hope I had entertained of the original volume’s bittersweet tragedy being skillfully adapted to the screen. Markus Zusak’s young adult novel of the same name was both starkly tragic and sweetly human, relieving its dark...

Donald Sterling and the Intolerance of America

Donald Sterling and the Intolerance of America

Can the Ethiopian Change His Skin? Skin pigmentation, regardless of shade, is a beautiful gift bestowed upon mankind by his Creator. The amount of melanin in a person’s skin, a result of micro-evolution, is evidence of God’s grace upon the human race. Since the moment sin and death entered into the world through the Fall...

Christian Addiction to Fatalism ‘ Pt. 1

Christian Addiction to Fatalism ‘ Pt. 1

There is one major theme that stands out in my mind when it comes to American Christianity and politics. It is the subconscious obsession with Fatalism. The World English Dictionary defines it: fatalism (E?feE?tEi??E?lE?zEi??m) ‘ n 1. the philosophical doctrine that all events are predetermined so that man is powerless to alter his destiny 2....