Category: Guest Posts

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Fury and Graphic Violence

Fury and Graphic Violence

If you are my age or a bit older you probably have relatives who fought in World War Two. If you are a bit younger you may have relatives who fought in Vietnam. Among those relatives you probably have at least one who was so scarred by the experiences of war that they never talked...

Identity Idols and the #christianrapper

Identity Idols and the #christianrapper

The following post is taken in full with permission from Mos Murph. We decided to re-post it here as it is a great defense of the Christian Worldview of the arts that is shared by the writers of Gospel Spam. What is going on in the Christian Hip Hop scene? There have always been debates...

A Review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

A Review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The rebooted Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has arrived in theaters. Another beloved franchise is updated for the summer of 2014 following the heels of recent rebooted franchises STAR TREK, TRANSFORMERS, BATMAN, and G. I. JOE. It is the latest to join the ” Produced By Michael Bay” label that has all the glitz and glamour...

Star Trek: As Told by a Jesus Nerd

Star Trek: As Told by a Jesus Nerd

The following is a guest post by Daniel Banks, a member of By Grace Community Church in Newport News, VA. Star Trek has been around for quite awhile now. Everyone has grown up watching an incarnation of the enduring franchise, from the original series, Star Trek, and its subsequent spin offs The Next Generation, Deep...

Is Circular Reasoning Always Fallacious?

Is Circular Reasoning Always Fallacious?

Is Circular Reasoning Always Fallacious? Short answer: no. Long answer: There are two things we need to discuss about circular reasoning: It is (1) absolutely unavoidable and (2) not necessarily fallacious. Circular reasoning is unavoidable to some degree when proving one’s ultimate standard. An ultimate standard cannot be proved from anything else, otherwise it wouldn’t...