Category: Politics

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Of Matt Walsh, Justice and Vengeance

Of Matt Walsh, Justice and Vengeance

Recently Matt Walsh, a popular evangelical (and somehow very Roman Catholic) blogger posted a series of tweets condemning the death penalty as an excuse for vengeance. Death penalty isn’t needed in modern society. Therefore it exists purely for vengeance. That means I can’t support it ‘ Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) May 23, 2014 Vengeance. That’s an...

Authority that Requires Participation

Authority that Requires Participation

Why is it that Humanists, Secularists, even Communists and Islamists have such strong presence in United States politics? I can tell you that it isn’t for the authority they bring. It isn’t because they come with objective and authoritative truth. It isn’t because they have the power of God to do so. It is because...

Christian Addiction to Fatalism ‘ Pt. 1

Christian Addiction to Fatalism ‘ Pt. 1

There is one major theme that stands out in my mind when it comes to American Christianity and politics. It is the subconscious obsession with Fatalism. The World English Dictionary defines it: fatalism (E?feE?tEi??E?lE?zEi??m) ‘ n 1. the philosophical doctrine that all events are predetermined so that man is powerless to alter his destiny 2....