Category: Jon Speed

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Trick or Treating for the First Time.

Trick or Treating for the First Time.

Trick or Treat! On Friday night I took my kids trick or treating for the first time. They’re not three and four years old. My boys are eight and ten and my eldest daughter is twenty. She had never been trick or treating before. My youngest daughter, Samantha, preserved the family’s salvation by staying home...

A Matter of Faith – Pastoral Review

A Matter of Faith – Pastoral Review

Dear Pastor, Perhaps you are considering screening A Matter of Faith at your church or encouraging your people to use the big screen release as an opportunity to evangelize your community. The producers of the film make convincing arguments why you should. After all, people do remember movies long after they’ve forgotten your sermons. And...

A Review of Apocity: A Book By George Alvarado

A Review of Apocity: A Book By George Alvarado

Apocity: The Greatest Omission by George Alvarado Lately at Gospel Spam we’ve been getting some requests to review books by the authors. As a guy who loves books I have only one requirement: send me a free copy and I’ll determine whether or not we want to review it here. One such request came from...