There’s space opera, there’s fantasy, and then there’s science fiction. Interstellar definitely falls into the latter category. The film involves huge sequences involving spaceships, wormholes, alien planets, and hair-breath escapes’but everything is kept grounded in something resembling reality. The setting is in the future, but everything looks pretty much familiar. There’s public schools. There’s corn...
Category: Arts
An Open Letter to Shia LaBeouf
Hey, Shia’can I call you Shia? You don’t know me and you’ve probably never heard of our blog here, but given your recent statements about converting to Christianity, I wanted to offer you some counsel. There are and will be many more who doubt your professed conversion to Christianity. I have my own opinions but...
Let this Kitten Purr – A Review of Let the Lion Roar
There comes a time in every movie reviewer’s life when he has to decide whether or not to cover a movie because doing so would give the movie way more credibility than it deserves. Most sane producers know that even a bad review is good for business because all publicity is good publicity. This is...
Moses – Sight and Sound Theater
Earlier this month on the way back from a commercial shoot in Syracuse, NY, I realized had an extra day to kill before my next gig in North Carolina. I decided to stop in Lancaster, PA and view a play at the Sight and Sound theater. The Sight and Sound Theater is a theater company...
Left Behind and the Legal Battle To Make Disastrous Disaster Movies
Hold on to your clothes and place your seat tables in the upright position. Left Behind is imminently returning and this time with Nicolas Cage. Exciting, right? I can hardly contain myself. Since we have had two reviews for Left Behind, and the rest of the internet seems to hate the film as well, I...
Quality Gets “Left Behind”
I have nothing against a good disaster movie. Write several shallow characters. Check. Insert superficial interpersonal conflict. Check. Introduce natural disaster to throw said shallow characters into. Check. Watch shallow characters carry out their superficial interpersonal conflict amidst disaster-enhanced action sequences and peril. Check ad nauseam. With Left Behind, we have disaster movie meets Christian...
Left Behind Early Review – This is Not That.
The following is the first of our three part front row seat to the apocalypse. We here at Gospel Spam were fortunate to be sent a review copy of the film so we could bless you with our thoughts and fancy words about it. The first is by Jon Speed. The rest will be published...
The Theology of Big Brother
Several years ago John De Mol started an international sensation called Big Brother. It first started overseas in the UK and spread eventually to the United States once Survivor proved there was an audience for prime-time reality competition. I don’t remember much about the first season of Big Brother; it was a long time ago....
Christian Pipe Smoking: An Introduction to Holy Incense by Joffre Swait and Uri Brito
It’s no secret that I enjoy smoking. I work part time at a cigar lounge just to meet people in the community. There’s a camaraderie and bond between people who share the same hobby. Smoking taught me a lot about evangelism. It taught me that it is OK to be friends with unbelievers and that...
Lecrae to appear on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
On Thursday September 18th, Reach Records artist Lecrae will take Late Night’s biggest stage, with Late Light’s biggest band, The Roots. Reach Records just posted the announcement on Facebook moments ago. Lecrae’s new album Anomaly is currently sitting pretty within the top ten on iTunes. Recently fans of Lecrae got the hashtag #LecraeOnFallon trending and...