I need to apologize to Matt Dillahunty.
On May 31st 2014, at the Marriot Memphis East, I am scheduled to debate Mr. Dillahunty. Matt is one of the hosts of a cable-access television show out of Austin Texas called “The Atheist Experience” where he went from being a caller in early 2005 to a co-host just 2 months later to one of its prominent hosts today. Only in 2010 did Matt make his foray into live moderated debates but has seemingly taken that outlet up with gusto.
I can’t say that I am generally thankful that just about every public word Matt has uttered has been recorded, but for the purpose of preparing for my debate with him, I am thankful that just about every word Matt has uttered publicly has been recorded.
I have never had this much information on a person’s views before I have engaged them. It is an embarrassment of riches.
Sure, Matt is dishonest. One example that has repeatedly come up while viewing his material is his portrayal that Ray Comfort does not agree with everything in Scripture. There are some terrible things done in Scripture by some horribly immoral people. All Christians disagree with those actions, but Matt equivocates Ray’s disagreement with the moral actions of some in Scripture with a disagreement with the TRUTH of Scripture. The equivocation is too blatant to be a mere mistake. Will he stop doing that after he reads this? I doubt it, but I sincerely hope for his sake that that is not his A game.
So, why the apology? While it has been stomach turning to listen to Matt spout his hatred towards the God he denies, it has been equally nauseating to listen to the hordes of professed Christians represent a position that is not at all Christian. I want to apologize to Matt for the ineptness he has had to deal with from them.
I will not be so pompous as to claim that Matt will finally be in a debate where the actual God of Christianity is represented, but I have to apologize to Matt for whatever it was the majority of the “Christians” he has engaged have been representing.
As disgusting as Matt’s hatred of God is, I agree with most of the criticisms he levels towards the arguments of the people who have engaged him. Perhaps they have not done the research on Matt to know his actual position. Perhaps they don’t know how to engage someone with Matt’s actual position. I don’t know. What I do know is that on May 31st things will be different.
If not for being called out repeatedly on Matt’s show, I likely would have let sleeping dogs lie, but since being thrust into this debate, I want to, by the grace of God, make it count. I want to create a resource for anyone who engages Matt (or any professed atheist) in the future, to view before they do so.
So far we are about 20% into our goal of raising $5,000 dollars to have Crown Rights produce a video of the debate.
Yes, I have heard the criticisms for asking for help to fund the project. I’m not thrilled about it either. One of the reasons that I have never asked for support is the sound of the voice one of my friends from long ago (while he was quite drunk) echoing in my head: “Any God I believe in, isn’t going to be short of cash.” I admit that another reason for never having asked for support is pride. I left a high-paying job to do this ministry full-time now 6 years ago (I forgot my anniversary May 18th), with the express desire to never become a “beggar.” Of course my friend’s objection is nonsense, and my own reluctance is pitiful, so with that I ask you to help support this project.
Crown Right’s Media Director (and head honcho of this blog) Marcus Pittman says of the reluctance of some Christians to support Christian media:
Some Christian’s have criticized the idea of raising funds for this project, but do they likewise criticize entire websites like Kick Starter, or IndieGogo as well? The internet has made a way for anyone to be able to fund projects they want to see and in the process create better media. Don’t just complain about bad Christian media, help us make better Christian media.
I suppose that I can still say that I have never asked for donations to support my ministry as funds will be directed to the film project (please indicate so in the comments in the Crown Right’s support page), but, as with the upcoming debate, this is not the time for semantics.
Indeed I realize that some will be unable to support the project financially, but I do ask that all of you support me, and this project, with your prayers. I want to enter this arena buoyed by the prayers of His people. I thank you for the prayers you have already offered up, and I want you to know that I am fully aware that “Those who are with us, are more than those who are with them.”
Please click here, if you are able to donate. Or send money via PayPal e-mail (contact (at) CrownRightsMedia.com
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