Tag: Dustin Segers

Home / Dustin Segers
Prequel: An Overview of Orthodox Eschatology

Prequel: An Overview of Orthodox Eschatology

INTRODUCTION: Eschatology is the study of last things. All doctrinally orthodox eschatological positions believe three essential things: At the end of history, Jesus will physically resurrect the bodies of both believers and unbelievers through a tomb-emptying resurrection. Jesus will execute the final Judgment on mankind and quarantine unbelievers in the lake of fire. Jesus will...

Is Circular Reasoning Always Fallacious?

Is Circular Reasoning Always Fallacious?

Is Circular Reasoning Always Fallacious? Short answer: no. Long answer: There are two things we need to discuss about circular reasoning: It is (1) absolutely unavoidable and (2) not necessarily fallacious. Circular reasoning is unavoidable to some degree when proving one’s ultimate standard. An ultimate standard cannot be proved from anything else, otherwise it wouldn’t...