The Hunger Games. Mad Max: Fury Road. Left Behind. Wait, Left Behind? What’s a Christian work of fiction doing among those secular entertainments? Well, they all have one overriding theme: Pessimism. In The Hunger Games the world ends and afterward we all end up hunting and killing each other. In Mad Max: Fury Road the...
Tag: Theology
Burned Over? Revivalism And Its Effects On The Local Church
The Erie Canal and Evangelicalism Most students of church history and sound theology have opinions on what has brought about the current spiritual malaise in evangelicalism. I once heard a fellow speaker at an evangelism conference state that the modern church has not recovered from the 19th century as a whole. I don’t think I...
Focus on the Fantasy: How “Plugged In” Has Become Unplugged
Have you heard? Focus on the Family is now reviewing’pornography. A pornographic film based upon a pornographic book is about to be released to theaters nationwide, and Focus on the Family is reviewing it so that you’dear Christian’can know whether or not you should go and watch pornography. That’s right, a popular evangelical Christian ministry...
Never Give Up! Never Surrender!*
* Well, unless the sin is, like, really really big and the fight might actually cost you something. Ideas have consequences. Imagine, if you will, that I’as a husband and a father’believe that things will continue to get worse and worse in my home. I have continually taught my wife and children that their behavior...
Star Trek: As Told by a Jesus Nerd
The following is a guest post by Daniel Banks, a member of By Grace Community Church in Newport News, VA. Star Trek has been around for quite awhile now. Everyone has grown up watching an incarnation of the enduring franchise, from the original series, Star Trek, and its subsequent spin offs The Next Generation, Deep...
Purpose of the Law ‘ to Reveal our Sin
One of the things that Scripture reveals to us is the law of God. The aspect of the law that we will concern ourselves with is the moral law as opposed to the ceremonial or civil law. We will focus on the moral law because it is eternal, consisting in the very nature of God,...
A postmillennialist and a dispensationalist walked into a bar.
A postmillennialist and a dispensationalist walked into a bar. Okay, that would likely never happen. But it might happen that these two would find themselves gathering in a new blog collective. Such is the case on Gospel Spam where I, a Calvinist dispensationalist, have joined a couple of postmillennialists in a new collaboration. With a...