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Burned Over? Revivalism And Its Effects On The Local Church

Burned Over? Revivalism And Its Effects On The Local Church

The Erie Canal and Evangelicalism Most students of church history and sound theology have opinions on what has brought about the current spiritual malaise in evangelicalism. I once heard a fellow speaker at an evangelism conference state that the modern church has not recovered from the 19th century as a whole. I don’t think I...

Fury and Graphic Violence

Fury and Graphic Violence

If you are my age or a bit older you probably have relatives who fought in World War Two. If you are a bit younger you may have relatives who fought in Vietnam. Among those relatives you probably have at least one who was so scarred by the experiences of war that they never talked...

An Open Letter to Shia LaBeouf

An Open Letter to Shia LaBeouf

Hey, Shia’can I call you Shia? You don’t know me and you’ve probably never heard of our blog here, but given your recent statements about converting to Christianity, I wanted to offer you some counsel. There are and will be many more who doubt your professed conversion to Christianity. I have my own opinions but...

The Theology of Big Brother

The Theology of Big Brother

Several years ago John De Mol started an international sensation called Big Brother. It first started overseas in the UK and spread eventually to the United States once Survivor proved there was an audience for prime-time reality competition. I don’t remember much about the first season of Big Brother; it was a long time ago....

Star Trek: As Told by a Jesus Nerd

Star Trek: As Told by a Jesus Nerd

The following is a guest post by Daniel Banks, a member of By Grace Community Church in Newport News, VA. Star Trek has been around for quite awhile now. Everyone has grown up watching an incarnation of the enduring franchise, from the original series, Star Trek, and its subsequent spin offs The Next Generation, Deep...

Christian Addiction to Fatalism ‘ Pt. 1

Christian Addiction to Fatalism ‘ Pt. 1

There is one major theme that stands out in my mind when it comes to American Christianity and politics. It is the subconscious obsession with Fatalism. The World English Dictionary defines it: fatalism (E?feE?tEi??E?lE?zEi??m) ‘ n 1. the philosophical doctrine that all events are predetermined so that man is powerless to alter his destiny 2....

A review of Aronofsky’s Noah

A review of Aronofsky’s Noah

If you were to categorize the Biblical story of Noah into a film genre, it would not be a romance. It would not be a children’s movie. It would not be fairy tale. The story of Noah is about a drunkard who is chosen by God to save the earth from the dark destruction of...