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The Truthiness of Art

The Truthiness of Art

With all the Christian and pseudo Christian films coming out this year, there is a lot of talk about Creative License. Hollywood directors like to use it a lot when they try to make Biblical narratives. Let’s be honest- most of the time they use this term creative license to just make stuff up. But...

Why Son of God is blasphemous and it's not why you think.

Why Son of God is blasphemous and it's not why you think.

This is going to be a big year for Christian film. Movies like Noah, Son of God, Mom’s Night Out and just for fun, let’s say also the final installment of “The Hobbit”. The first film destined to save us Christians from the evils of great film-making and brilliant acting that so consistently plagues Hollywood...

Character Counts

Character Counts

In Part 1 of this series, I provided what I believe is a biblical definition of a man of God. In Part 2, I addressed why it is so very important for open-air preachers to strive for and to exhibit the spiritual qualities of and elder, as well as why a standard for qualification must...



When Peter wrote his first epistle he was writing to a church that was suffering persecution. They lost their homes, money, possessions, and friends. Even their lives were threatened where some would have escaped with only what they could carry. They were being persecuted because of Christ. They were living for Christ and proclaiming the...

A Man of God, Before a Man on A Box (Part 2)

A Man of God, Before a Man on A Box (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this article, I provided what I believe is a biblical definition of a man of God. In Part 2, I will explain why I believe every open-air preacher, whether or not he aspires to serve his local church as an elder, should possess and exhibit both the character traits and spiritual...

Ellen Page’s Sad, Toxic Sermon

Ellen Page’s Sad, Toxic Sermon

ELLEN PAGE’S SAD, TOXIC SERMON This past Valentine’s Day, actress Ellen Page made national news by coming out as a homosexual. I call what she said a sermon because she most obviously is preaching a message she thinks you need to hear. I use the adjective sad because I found the personal pain and turmoil...

Raising A Troublemaker…  On Purpose.

Raising A Troublemaker… On Purpose.

Recently my wife and I received news that God has blessed us with a baby boy as our firstborn child. The thoughts and emotions have been running wild, and with the revealing of the gender they were provoked to sprint all the more. What will we name him? What will he look like? What kind...

Do Christians Need a Facebook Alternative?

Do Christians Need a Facebook Alternative?

In what can only be described as a joke, Facebook announced they are adding upwards of 58 new gender identities for people to choose from. Everything from transgender male, transgender female, trans-male, trans-female, trans with an asterisk (whatever that means), Non-binary and a whole bunch of other weird half-breeds- including centaur. Now, now, I’m just...